
I’m a passionate software engineer dedicated to crafting beautiful, user-friendly websites and bringing creative ideas to life on the Internet.

Hi, I’m Umer Islam, a passionate MERN stack developer dedicated to creating dynamic, user-focused web applications. With expertise in MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js.I specialize in building scalable, efficient, and visually engaging solutions. Whether it’s designing intuitive front-end interfaces or developing robust back-end APIs, I thrive on transforming ideas into fully functional digital experiences. Explore my portfolio to see how I bring innovation and creativity to every project.

Things I Can Do

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A Few Accomplishments

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Possibly broke spacetime

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Terraformed a small moon

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Snapped dark matter in the wild

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Contact Me

Integer eu ante ornare amet commetus vestibulum blandit integer in curae ac faucibus integer non. Adipiscing cubilia elementum integer. Integer eu ante ornare amet commetus.

Umer Islam